Executive Summary 2020
The year 2020 posed unprecedented challenges for Promise House. Demand for our services did not pause with the pandemic, but the pandemic made our work even more difficult. Still, we pressed on and continued to assist youth in crisis toward a better future.
In our 2020 Executive Summary, we summarize our struggles as well as our accomplishments achieved despite many obstacles. We serve the most hard-to-place clients, and yet we can share hopeful stories of youth who came through our doors and stepped onto a path toward success.
Of course, we couldn’t have done this without you. We are grateful to the staff, board members, donors, corporations, foundations, and volunteers who join us in the fight against youth homelessness. Thanks to our Promise House family, we continued to make space for youth in crisis. As we look forward to the future, we know we can count on you to help make a difference.
Check out our 2020 Executive Summary to learn how we are making space for youth in crisis.